Mac Power 1997 June
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XtraNet v1.02
copyright ゥ 1996-97 by g/matter, inc.
Written by Terry R. Schussler
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
Overview of XtraNet 1
The Four Types of Xtras 1
What is a Sprite Xtra? 1
What is a Lingo Xtra? 1
What is a Transition Xtra? 1
What is a Tool Xtra? 1
Version History 1
1.0 1
1.01 1
1.02 1
XtraNet Installation and End-user Delivery 1
How To Install XtraNet with Director 1
How To Install XtraNet with Shockwave 1
Shipping XtraNet with a Runtime Projector 1
Deliverying XtraNet via Shockwave 1
Getting Started with XtraNet 1
Using the Xtras Menu 1
Using Lingo 1
Registering XtraNet 1
Using an Unregistered Copy of XtraNet 1
The XtraNet Lingo Interface 1
Overview 1
Standard Lingo Xtra Functions/Commands 1
interface(xtra "XtraNet") -or- mMessageList(xtra "XtraNet") 1
General 1
XNetInit 1
XNetIdle 1
XNetClose integer cookieID 1
XNetShutdown 1
XNetSetProxy string hostName, integer portAddress 1
Informational 1
XNetVersion() 1
XNetIPAddress() 1
XNetPort(integer cookieID) 1
XNetDNSLookup(string hostname|string IPaddress) 1
XNetError(integer errorCode) 1
XNetSetConnectionLoc point upperLeftCornerofDialog 1
XNetSetConnectionMsg string dialogText 1
Operation Timing 1
XNetSetDefaultTimeout integer timeOut 1
XNetGetDefaultTimeout 1
XNetSetTimeout integer cookie, integer timeOut 1
XNetGetTimeout integer cookie 1
Netscape-style Cookies 1
XNetSetCookie string cookie 1
XNetClearCookie 1
HTTP/FTP Access 1
XNetGetFile string url, string filename, string callback 1
XNetGetGlobal string url, string globalname, string callback 1
XNetPutFile string filename, string url, string callback 1
XNetPutGlobal string globalname, string url, string callback 1
Peer Class 1
XNetPeerCreate 1
XNetPeerConnect integer cookieID, string remoteHost, integer port 1
XNetPeerAccept integer cookieID, integer port 1
XNetPeerGet integer cookieID 1
XNetPeerSend integer cookieID, string theText 1
Client Class 1
XNetClientCreate 1
XNetClientConnect integer cookieID, string remoteHost, integer port 1
XNetClientAccept integer cookieID, integer port 1
XNetClientGet integer cookieID 1
XNetClientSend integer cookieID, string theText 1
Server Class 1
XNetServerStart integer maxClients, integer port, string callback 1
XNetServerSend integer cookieID, string theText [, string clientName] 1
XNetServerDisconnect integer cookieID, string clientName 1
Raw Class 1
XNetRawCreate 1
XNetRawConnect integer cookie, string remoteHost, integer port 1
XNetRawAccept integer cookie, integer port 1
XNetRawGet integer cookie 1
XNetRawSend integer cookie, string theText 1
XtraNet's CallBack Mechanism 1
The Callback Parameter 1
Creating a Callback Handler 1
Structure of Callback Handler Data 1
Cookie 1
Major Code 1
Minor Code 1
Optional Error Code 1
HTTP Code 1
Callback Data Debugging 1
Optimizing XtraNet Performance 1
Controlling Idle Time 1
Using Director's Idle Time Properties 1
the frameTempo -or- Tempo Channel 1
the cpuHogTicks 1
the idleHandlerPeriod 1
the idleLoadMode 1
the idleLoadPeriod 1
the idleReadChunkSize 1
Sustaining Connections 1
Credits 1
Human Code, Inc. 1
g/matter, inc. 1
Other g/matter Products 1
PrintOMatic Xtra 1
PopMenu Xtra 1
Sound Xtra 1
KILLER Transitions 1
Trans-X Xtra 1
Director ToolBox Pro 1
The MediaBook CD for Director 1
How To Contact Us 1
Copyright Notices 1
Appendix A - Error Messages and Codes 1
Appendix B - Memory Overhead Chart 1
Macintosh 68K 1
Macintosh PPC 1
Windows 16-bit 1
Windows 32-bit 1
Appendix C - Shockwave Security Issues 1
ISO Compliant Filenames 1
Invalid Filename Extensions 1
Appendix D - FTP Connection Process in XtraNet 1
Appendix E - Additional References and Resources 1
WWW Resources 1
WWW References 1
Book References 1
"Internet Protocols Handbook" 1
Appendix F - URL Encoding 1
Example #1 1
Example #2 1
Overview of XtraNet
XtraNet allows you to add powerful Internet and intranet connectivity to your Macromedia Director
productions. For Internet access, XtraNet provides a series of access classes including Server, Client, Peer
and Raw. XtraNet also provides direct access to HTTP, FTP and other Internet protocols. The Raw class
allows you to create support for custom or special Internet protocols. As an example, a simple SMTP mail
application is provided as a sample XtraNet file.
For intranets, XtraNet provides a powerful LAN based multiuser connectivity solution.
You can build a tremendous number of new applications which before now were impossible. Multi-player
games, dynamic advertising, multi-user chat systems, incremental news servers, the list of uses is endless.
The Four Types of Xtras
Director 5.0 introduced support for a new type of plug-in which is known as an Xtra. Xtras are available in
four different types: Sprite, Lingo, Transition and Tool. XtraNet is a Lingo Xtra.
What is a Sprite Xtra?
A Sprite Xtra (or an Asset Xtra as it is sometimes referred to) adds additional functionality to Director through
the introduction of custom castmember types which subsequently can be used to add new types of sprites to
your multimedia production's stage.
What is a Lingo Xtra?
A Lingo Xtra adds functionality to Director through the introduction of new commands and functions which
can be accessed through Lingo. Lingo Xtras are very similar to XObjects in the way that they add
functionality to Director.
What is a Transition Xtra?
A Transition Xtra adds new visual effects functionality to Director to enhance the display of new multimedia
elements in a project.
What is a Tool Xtra?
A Tool Xtra adds new functionality to Director through the Xtras menu. Tool Xtras can be written using
MOA compliant C or C++ code or you can build a Tool Xtra using Director itself and implementing a movie in
a window which is accessed from the Xtras menu.
Version History
Released 10/16/96
First public release.
Released 10/31/96
Due to an unfortunate error in the compiled code, the 1.01 release was created to eliminate a timeout that was
in the 1.0 version. If you have the 1.0 version you are strongly requested to replace it with the 1.01 release.
Released 3/1/97
This release adds support for proxy servers using the XNetSetProxy command.
XtraNet Installation and End-user Delivery
How To Install XtraNet with Director
When Director launches, it automatically locates Xtras by looking in two special places:
Location #1: The Xtras folder which is in the same location as your Director application.
Location #2: The Macromedia:Xtras folder contained in your System folder.
Location #1: The Xtras subdirectory which is in the same location as your Director application.
Location #2: The Windows・Macromed・Xtras subdirectory on Windows 3.1 -OR- The Program
Files・Common Files・Macromedia・Xtras subdirectory on Windows 95 or Windows NT
To make XtraNet available to your copy of Director, you simply need to run the XtraNet Installer contained on
the XtraNet CD. Check the XtraNet Read Me file for any late breaking installation news.
Launch the application titled "XtraNet Installer" located in the root of the XtraNet CD-ROM.
Launch the application titled "SETUP.EXE" located in the root of the XtraNet CD-ROM.
How To Install XtraNet with Shockwave
When a Shockwave for Director plug-in launches, it automatically locates Xtras by looking in a special
"support" folder. This folder must be located in one of the following places:
Macintosh (All browsers)
68K: The NP-68K-Dir-Shockwave Folder folder contained in your browser's "plug-in" folder.
PowerPC: The NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave Folder folder contained in your browser's "plug-in" folder.
Windows (Netscape Navigator compatible plug-in)
3.1: The NP16DSW directory contained in your browser's "plug-in" directory.
95/NT: The NP32DSW directory contained in your browser's "plug-in" directory.
Windows (Microsoft ActiveX control)
3.1: The WINDOWS・SYSTEM directory.
95/NT: The WINDOWS・SYSTEM directory.
To make XtraNet available to your browsers, you run the XtraNet Installer as described above - once for each
Shipping XtraNet with a Runtime Projector
XtraNet can be shipped as part of a Director multimedia project. To do this, you simply need to copy the
XtraNet Xtra that you are using in your project into a special folder/subdirectory named Xtras. Then you
must place this Xtras folder/subdirectory in the same place as your runtime projector application.
If you deliver your project on a CD-ROM, you do not need to install XtraNet onto the user's hard disk unless
you require that the user start your program by running the Director runtime projector from the hard disk. If
you require this, it is recommended that you create a complete installer for your project which performs the
* Creates any required program groups or folders
* Checks for the existence of TCP/IP software and if not installed, installs it for the user
* Copies the Director runtime projector for your project to the hard disk
* Copies all Director Xtras for your project (including XtraNet) to the hard disk
If you are delivering your content on CD-ROM, but execute it through a Shockwave-compatible browser you
will want your installer to place the XtraNet software into the Shockwave support folder (as described above.)
human readable form with your project. The XtraNet serial number is not redistributable under the licensing
agreement that accompanies this software and is a copyright violation.
Refer to your Director manual for more detailed instructions on the proper use and delivery of Xtras with your
Director projects.
Deliverying XtraNet via Shockwave
If you wish to have a user access a webpage and immediately display an interactive multimedia presentation
(ostensibly delivered via Shockwave) which also has multiuser and client/server functionality, you do need to
install (as mentioned above) the XtraNet software into the user's Shockwave support folder. This installation
process can be partially automated through Shockwave and/or other internet protocols, but not completely.
The reason for this is security. If webpages were able to automatically place files on the user's harddisk
indiscriminately, we would be exposing users to serious potential for "vandalism" by unscrupulous people.
To avoid this potential, the user *must* be the arbitrator of the actual placement of the downloaded software
into a location which will enable it to function. This protects both the user and the provider of the software.
Here is some simple Lingo code which you can use to determine if XtraNet is installed and if not, direct the user
to an HTML document which provides download access and installation instructions. This code would need
to be running in a Shockwave movie to function properly:
on isXtraNetInstalled
put the number of xtras into xtraCount
repeat with theXtraNum = 1 to xtraCount
if the name of xtra theXtraNum contains "XtraNet" then return TRUE
end repeat
return FALSE
end isXtraNetInstalled
on checkForXtraNet
if isXtraNetInstalled() = FALSE then
gotoNetPage "http://www.yoursite.com/getXtraNet.html"
end if
end checkForXtraNet
Getting Started with XtraNet
Using the Xtras Menu
The Tools menu contains an XtraNet item when XtraNet has been properly installed into the Xtras folder.
The XtraNet menu command contains two choices:
About XtraNet...
XtraNet Help
About XtraNet...
This command will open up a Director movie in a window which identifies the creators of XtraNet and provides
other credits information. It also contains a special "Check XtraNet Version" button which will compare
your currently installed version of XtraNet against the current release as identified by our server. This feature
requires you have an active connection to the Internet through TCP/IP and that our server is available.
XtraNet Help
This is a help file which contains online documentation for XtraNet in a searchable handy reference which you
can access while authoring in Director. It uses the same help engine as Macromedia Director itself so it is easy
to use!
Using Lingo
You can determine if XtraNet was successfully loaded when you launched Director by using the "showXlib"
Lingo command in the Message window:
-- XLibraries:
-- Xtra: FileFlex
-- Xtra: XtraNet
-- Xtra: PrintOMatic_Lite
-- "*Standard.xlib"
-- XObject: FileIO Id:1020
-- XObject: SerialPort Id:200
-- XObject: XCMDGlue Id:2020
Registering XtraNet
You must apply your serial number to XtraNet using the XNetInit command before distributing XtraNet with
your projects. If you enter a valid serial number (usually located on the back of your CD-ROM jewel case) as
an argument to the XNetInit command, you will have successfully registered your copy of XtraNet and
activated all of its features.
Using an Unregistered Copy of XtraNet
If you don't apply your serial number as described above, you will be reminded that you are using an
unregistered version everytime you use the XNetInit command.
Also, using an unregistered version of XtraNet will result in the informational alert dialog appearing every 5
minutes during an XtraNet session.
Finally, two features of XtraNet are disabled when running an unregistered version of XtraNet. The features
are the XNetSetConnectionLoc and XNetSetConnectionMsg commands.
The XtraNet Lingo Interface
XtraNet's features are accessing using Director's Lingo programming language. This documentation
assumes that the reader has familiarity with the basic functions and commands provided in Lingo. Below is a
completion description of each of the Lingo commands and functions provided by XtraNet.
What is a Function?
A function is a mechanism which you use in your code to evaluate an expression and return a calculated
result. You will usually pass arguments to a function although sometimes a function will not require
them. You will always expect to get data returned by a function. The data will usually represent the
result of evaluating the data passed as arguments to the function itself when it was initially called.
To get a function to perform its work and return a result, you need to surround the argument(s) with a
set of parenthesis. Even if the function requires or accepts no arguments, you still need to use the
parenthesis to get Director to return the function value. You can also use the special keyword "the
result" to get the last function result calculated.
put myFunction(myData) into calculationResult
put myFunction(myExpression) into calculationResult
put myStaticFunction() into functionResult
put the result into calculationResult
Using functions over properties has an advantage in that functions all return error codes with a zero
indicating no error.
What is a Command?
A command is a mechanism which you use in your code to perform a specific task. You may pass a
command optional arguments. Generally, you do not expect to get any data returned by a command.
If you do, the data will usually be a code which represents the success or failure of the command itself
in completing its assigned task.
executeMyCommand myData
put executeMyCommand(myData) into successResult
Practically every one of the XtraNet commands returns a status code: 0 for success, and some
negative number for an error. You should always check your error codes!
Standard Lingo Xtra Functions/Commands
interface(xtra "XtraNet") -or- mMessageList(xtra "XtraNet")
This function returns a short description of all of the functions and commands supported by XtraNet.
put interface(xtra "XtraNet")
-- XtraNet version 1.02
-- Engineered by Brian Sharon
-- Entire program code (C) 1996 Human Code, Inc.
-- XtraNet (C) 1996 g/matter, inc.
-- XtraNet is a registered trademark of Human Code, Inc. under license to g/matter, inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- For more information on XtraNet, see these websites:
-- http://www.humancode.com
-- http://www.gmatter.com
-- For technical support and sales, please email:
-- <support@gmatter.com>
-- <sales@gmatter.com>
-- Online help is available under the Xtras menu.
* XNetVersion
* XNetInit *
* XNetShutdown
* XNetSetProxy *
* XNetIPAddress
* XNetDNSLookup string host
* XNetSetDefaultTimeout integer timeOut
* XNetGetDefaultTimeout
* XNetSetTimeout integer cookie, integer timeOut
* XNetGetTimeout integer cookie
* XNetSetConnectionLoc any point
* XNetSetConnectionMsg string msg
* XNetError integer error
* XNetGetFile string url, string file, string callback
* XNetGetGlobal string url, string global, string callback
* XNetPutFile string file, string url, string callback
* XNetPutGlobal string global, string url, string callback
* XNetSetCookie string cookie
* XNetClearCookie
* XNetIdle
* XNetClose integer cookie
* XNetPort integer cookie
* XNetPeerCreate
* XNetPeerConnect integer cookie, string host, integer port
* XNetPeerAccept integer cookie, integer port
* XNetPeerGet integer cookie
* XNetPeerSend integer cookie, string text
* XNetClientCreate
* XNetClientConnect integer cookie, string host, integer port
* XNetClientAccept integer cookie, integer port
* XNetClientGet integer cookie
* XNetClientSend integer cookie, string text
* XNetServerStart integer maxClients, integer port, string callback
* XNetServerSend integer cookie, string text, *
* XNetServerDisconnect integer cookie, string name
* XNetRawCreate
* XNetRawConnect integer cookie, string host, integer port
* XNetRawAccept integer cookie, integer port
* XNetRawGet integer cookie
* XNetRawSend integer cookie, string text
These are global level commands and functions which you will need to use to exercise the functionality of
XtraNet. Primarily, these let you start and stop XtraNet and your network connection services.
This command initializes your XtraNet instance and starts up your networking connection. You only
need to call this once per "session" to initialize your server or client experience.
This command will initiate any network auto-connections through dialup Slip and PPP. If the user
already has established a network connection it will be used.
put XNetInit("XNET101-12345-67890") into resultCode
If you pass a serial number to XNetInit and you still get the "unregistered" dialog, your serial number
was input incorrectly. Please check the number and correct it in your scripts.
This command provides XtraNet with specific idle time to process your Server object and Data object
networking connections. You will want to call this as often as necessary to keep up with the
networking demands of your application. A common location for the XNetIdle call will be your on
idle handler or inside a frame script which loops on a frame.
When you call XNetIdle, it checks each of your open network connections to determine if the operation
is complete and there is a pending callback request. Each connection is examined in a first-in first-out
sequence. If a callback is pending, the callback is performed before checking any remaining open
connections for their status. This can potentially result in substantial time being spent inside the
XNetIdle call.
Note that this command is only necessary for XtraNet Servers and network operations which perform
callbacks into your code. If you are using the Client, Peer or Raw mechanisms, you can control idle
time by using the appropriate "Get" command. This provides an XtraNet client developer with
substantial control over how much time is spent processing the connection versus processing Lingo
code or other client side operations.
on idle
end idle
on exitFrame
go to the frame
end exitFrame
See the section titled "Optimizing XtraNet Performance" for more details on the use of the XNetIdle
XNetClose integer cookieID
This command stops a specific networking operation which you have previously initiated and closes the
connection. This is specifically useful for cancelling Get or Put operations.
put XNetClose(cookieID) into cancelResultCode
This command stops your networking connection. Your instance of XtraNet will still be available and
you can re-initialize your networking connection using XNetInit.
on stopMovie
end stopMovie
XNetSetProxy string hostName, integer portAddress
This command allows you to set up a proxy server. To set up the proxy server, call XNetSetProxy
and provide the hostname and port address of the server. XNetSetProxy provides support for CERN
proxies only. To clear the proxy server, pass EMPTY as the argument
on setProxyServer
XNetSetProxy("proxy.gmatter.com", 4080) into proxyResult
return proxyResult
end setProxyServer
These functions provide useful XtraNet specific data to you. You can determine which version of XtraNet is
running, the IP and domain names for the current machine and more.
This function returns the version of this copy of XtraNet as a string.
Note: You can compare this string against the version identifier located at the following URLs to
determine if you have the latest version of XtraNet:
put XNetVersion() into xtraNetVersion
put XNetVersion()
-- "1.02"
This function returns the IP address of the machine executing this copy of XtraNet as a string.
put XNetIPAddress() into resultCode
-- ""
XNetPort(integer cookieID)
This function returns the port address of the specified network operation (identified by its "cookie) as a
nunber. If the cookieID is invalid, XtraNet will return a value of -1.
put XNetPort(cookieID) into portAddress
You can force the system to pick a unused port for you by passing 0 for the port number when using the
XNetRawAccept command. You can then find out what the port number was by calling XNetPort
with the cookie returned by the XNetRawCreate command.
XNetDNSLookup(string hostname|string IPaddress)
This function returns the IP address of the domain specified by the string hostname.
Failure to resolve to an IP address will return a string of ""
You can also perform a conversion of an IP address into a domain address.
Failure to resolve to a domain name will return the IP address originally passed in as an argument.
put XNetDNSLookup("") into hostIP
put hostIP
-- "www.gmatter.com"
XNetError(integer errorCode)
This function returns a string description of the error code provided. If an unknown error code is
passed in, XtraNet will return "Unknown error". All error codes are negative values except for an
error code of 0 which indicates no error. See the Error Code table later in the documentation for more
put XNetError(-29) into errorString
alert "An XtraNet error occurred: "&&errorString
These commands provide control over the display of the Connecting to Host dialog which is
automatically displayed by XtraNet during long connections. The purpose of the dialog is to keep the
user informed as to what is occurring when a connection takes longer than usual.
XNetSetConnectionLoc point upperLeftCornerofDialog
This command sets the location of the Connecting to Host dialog which appears after the connection
timeout occurs. The dialog will automatically appear after 5 seconds has elapsed and disappear after
60 seconds. This command is not available when using an unregistered version of XtraNet.
XNetSetConnectionLoc point(0,0)
XNetSetConnectionLoc point(320,240)
XtraNet checks to make sure that you have passed a valid point data argument.
Note: You can hide the dialog completely (not recommended) if you pass a point coordinate which if
XNetSetConnectionLoc point(-9999,-9999)
XNetSetConnectionMsg string dialogText
This command sets the display text of the Connecting to Host dialog which appears after the connection
timeout occurs. . The dialog will automatically appear after 5 seconds has elapsed and disappear after
60 seconds. This command is not available when using an unregistered version of XtraNet.
XNetSetConnectionMsg "Connecting to our super cool server...Please wait a moment!"
XNetSetConnectionMsg field "ConnectionMsg"
Note: You can set the display text back to the default by specifying an EMPTY string as the
XNetSetConnectionMsg ""
Operation Timing
Use these features to control the automatic timeout mechanisms that will watch over your network connections.
XNetSetDefaultTimeout integer timeOut
This command specifies the default connection timeout value in seconds. All subsequently opened
connections will use this timeout value unless the XNetSetTimeout command is used.
-- set the timeout to a full minute due to a slow server connection
This function returns the current default connection timeout value as an integer representing seconds.
The default timeout value used in every XtraNet session is 30 seconds. When a timeout occurs, the
network operation will return a result value of -29.
put XNetGetDefaultTimeout() into defaultTimeOutLength
XNetSetTimeout integer cookie, integer timeOut
This command specifies the connection timeout value in seconds for a specific connection. Specifying
a value of 0 will turn off timeouts completely. This is not recommended as it will essentially terminate
your network connections as soon as they begin since you will not be allowing for any connection
latency. Unlike the XNetSetDefaultTimeout command, you can use this command to set the timeout
value for a connection already in progress.
XNetSetTimeout(gCookieID, 15)
XNetGetTimeout integer cookie
This function returns the current connection timeout value for a specific connection as an integer
representing seconds.
put XNetGetTimeout(gCookieID) into theTimeout
Netscape-style Cookies
Use these commands to control Netscape-style cookies that you provide to your XtraNet applications.
Basically, a Netscape cookie is a piece of data that an HTTP server can return along with the page you asked
for. The server is saying, "hold on to this data, and from now on, whenever you ask me for something, send
this data back to me". So a server can use a cookie to do authentication, to track where you've been in a site,
to do shopping cart type applications, etc.
XtraNet doesn't really support cookies according to the official specification. If the server returns a cookie, it
won't be saved by XtraNet (it's ignored, which is what you're supposed to do if you don't support cookies).
Instead, XtraNet provides a modified form of cookie support which requires that you know the cookie in
advance of sending it. You can provide the cookie information to XtraNet by using Javascript in a webpage
to get the cookie (document.cookie), then we pass that cookie into the Shockwave movie using XtraNet (using
parameters to the EMBED tag), and then passing the cookie on to the server from the client using the
XNetSetCookie command before making any server requests.
You can read more information about cookies at:
XNetSetCookie string cookie
This command specifies a string to be sent as the cookie for all future HTTP requests until the
XNetClearCookie command is executed or the application terminates. Cookie in this case refers to
Netscape's way of implementing persistent client-side states via HTTP, not cookie as the unique ID
number returned by many XtraNet calls.
-- set the timeout to a full minute due to a slow server connection
XNetSetCookie "COOKIENAME=cookiedata"
This function returns the current default connection timeout value as an integer representing seconds.
The default timeout value used in every XtraNet session is 30 seconds. When a timeout occurs, the
network operation will return a result value of -29.
These commands provide direct access to HTTP and FTP servers to both store and retrieve data. These
XtraNet commands automatically determine whether you are perform HTTP or FTP operations and handle the
differences for you invisibly. When addressing FTP servers, you can pass in username and password data to
establish connection to a secure server.
put XNetGetGlobal("ftp://username:password@www.gmatter.com/private/specialdata.txt", "gSpecialData",
"processSpecialData") into getCookieID
XNetGetFile string url, string filename, string callback
This command gets a remote URL and stores its contents into a local file, using either FTP or HTTP.
When the operation finishes, the Lingo handler named "callback" will be notified. See "fetch.dir" for an
put XNetGetFile("ftp://ftp.gmatter.com/pub/logo.pic", "gmatter.pic", "importLogo") into getCookieID
XNetGetFile can be used to perform CGI GET requests. CGI POST is not currently supported.
put XNetGetFile("http://www.gmatter.com/cgi/mycgi?variable=data", "CGIData", "processCGIresults") into
XNetGetGlobal string url, string globalname, string callback
This command gets a remote URL and stores it into a global variable, using either FTP or HTTP. When
the operation finishes, the Lingo handler named "callback" will be notified.
put XNetGetGlobal("http://www.gmatter.com/homepage.html", "gURLData", "HTMLParse") into getCookieID
XNetGetGlobal can be used to perform CGI GET requests. CGI POST is not currently supported.
Under Windows 3.1, you will only be able to retrieve 64K of data into a global variable at one time.
put XNetGetGlobal("http://www.gmatter.com/cgi/mycgi?variable=data", "gCGIData", "processCGIresults") into
XNetPutFile string filename, string url, string callback
This command takes a local file and stores it at a remote URL, using FTP. When the operation finishes,
the Lingo handler named "callback" will be notified. See "fetch.dir" for an example.
put XNetPutFile(the pathname & "userData.txt", "ftp://ftp.gmatter.com/uploads/userdata.txt", "uploadComplete") into
XNetPutGlobal string globalname, string url, string callback
This function takes a global variable and stores it at a remote URL, using FTP. When the operation
finishes, the Lingo handler named "callback" will be notified. See "fetch.dir" for an example.
put XNetPutGlobal("gFTPSendData", "ftp://ftp.gmatter.com/uploads/userdata.txt", "uploadComplete") into
Peer Class
The Peer Class lets you create applications which bypass the unnecessary overhead involved in communicating
through an intermediary server. You can even create a "ring" topology by using three or more peers to send
direct messages at very fast speeds across a network connection.
The Peer Class is useful for implementing "head to head" experiences or experiences with small groups (2-4).
This command creates a Peer object that can be used to connect directly to other Peers. "tictac.dir"
shows both modes. The comments in that file are pretty extensive as well.
put XNetPeerCreate() into peerObjectCookieID
XNetPeerConnect integer cookieID, string remoteHost, integer port
This function connects a Peer object to a specified remote host at the specified port address.
put XNetPeerConnect(peerObjectCookieID, "hostname", 6000) into functionResult
XNetPeerAccept integer cookieID, integer port
This command accepts a connection, listening on the specified port. Port numbers should be > 1023
and < 32768 for peer-to-peer and client-server connections.
put XNetPeerAccept(peerObjectCookieID, 6000) into commandResult
XNetPeerGet integer cookieID
This function returns a line of text (1K maximum size) received through the specified connection. If
there is no data ready to be retrieved, then an empty string ("") is returned. If an error has occurred,
an error code will be returned.
put XNetPeerGet(peerObjectCookieID) into textLine
XNetPeerSend integer cookieID, string theText
This command send a line of text (1K maximum size) through the specified connection.
put XNetPeerSend(peerObjectCookieID, theText) into commandResult
Client Class
The Client Class lets you create client applications which use an intermediary server to communicate. The
server acts to collate information from individual clients and then rebroadcast the necessary data to some or all
of the clients.
The Client Class is particularly useful for creating multi-player game experiences.
This command creates a Client object that can be connected in a client-server architecture. "tictac.dir"
shows both modes. The comments in that file are pretty extensive as well.
put XNetClientCreate() into clientObjectCookieID
XNetClientConnect integer cookieID, string remoteHost, integer port
This function connects a Client object to a specified remote host at the specified port address.
put XNetClientConnect(serverObjectCookieID, "hostname", 6000) into functionResult
XNetClientAccept integer cookieID, integer port
This command accepts a connection, listening on the specified port. Port numbers should be > 1023
and < 32768 for peer-to-peer and client-server connections.
put XNetClientAccept(serverObjectCookieID, 6000) into functionResult
XNetClientGet integer cookieID
This function returns a line of text (1K maximum size) received through the specified connection. If
there is no data ready to be retrieved, then an empty string ("") is returned. If an error has occurred,
an error code will be returned.
put XNetClientGet(serverObjectCookieID) into textLine
XNetClientSend integer cookieID, string theText
This command send a line of text (1K maximum size) through the specified connection.
put XNetClientSend(serverObjectCookieID, theText) into functionResult
Server Class
The Server Class lets you create server complements for your client applications. The server acts to collate
information from individual clients and then rebroadcast the necessary data to some or all of the clients.
The Server Class is particularly useful for creating multi-player game experiences.
XNetServerStart integer maxClients, integer port, string callback
This function starts an XtraNet server that will accept clients. Arguments allow you to specify how
many maximum connections will be allowed and which handler to execute as a callback when
connection events occur (i.e. connection made, connection terminated, etc.) Calling this function
returns the cookieID associated with the specified port.
Once a Server object has been created, the XNetIdle command will need to be called to provide
processing time for connection events. See the XNetIdle command for more information.
put XNetServerStart(50, 6000, "serverStarted") into gServerCookieID
The number of active clients will be limited by the number of sockets that the machine can handle.
XtraNet current has a per XtraNet-based application process socket limit of 64. You can use XtraNet
oriented Lingo code to determine your computer's socket limit (which may be less than XtraNet's):
set err = 0
set socketCount = 0
repeat while err >= 0
set err = XNetGetGlobal("http://www.gmatter.com", "gNetText", "put")
if err > 0 then set socketCount = socketCount + 1
end repeat
XNetServerSend integer cookieID, string theText [, string clientName]
This command sends a line of text to either all clients or the specified list of clients.
If clientName is not specified, the line of text will be sent to all clients. Otherwise you can pass the
internal username assigned to a client (which can be recorded when the client first connects by trapping
this information in the "serverCallback" handler.) Only the specified client will receive the line of text.
If you want to send the text to a subset of all existing clients, you can use a list variable and process
each element inside of a repeat loop. Note: see the "TTSERVER.DIR" example for more illustration
of this feature in use.
-- this sends the text to ALL clients
XNetServerSend gCookieID, theText
-- this sends the text to a subset of clients
put ["client1", "client3", "client7"] into clientNameList
repeat with theClient in clientNameList
XNetServerSend gCookieID, theText, theClient
end repeat
XNetServerDisconnect integer cookieID, string clientName
This command disconnects the specified client.
put XNetServerDisconnect(gCookieID, theClient) into disconnectResult
Raw Class
The Raw Class lets you use TCP/IP to communicate using nearly any protocol. The data you send or receive
is not altered in any way, nor is any data header added to it. For example, you can implement support for
SMTP protocol using Lingo and XtraNet's Raw commands (see the SMTP Client example for more details.)
This function creates a Raw connection object and returns the socket id for the object. You need to
create a connection object before using any of the other Raw class commands or functions.
set gMailSock = XNetRawCreate()
XNetRawConnect integer cookie, string remoteHost, integer port
This command establishes a connection with the remote host. The host can be any type of server.
set mailhost = "gmatter.com" -- hardcoded port address for SMTP
set mailport = 25 -- SMTP default
put XNetRawConnect(gMailSock, mailhost, mailport) into XNRawResult
XNetRawAccept integer cookie, integer port
This command accepts a connection, listening on the specified port. Port numbers should be > 1023
and < 32768 for custom connections. Be careful of conflicting with ports which may already be in
set mailport = 2025 -- custom port address for a XtraNet-based SMTP mail server
put XNetRawAccept(gMailSock, mailport)
XNetRawGet integer cookie
This function returns any pending data (up to 1024 bytes) being sent by a remote host through the
network connection identified by the cookie argument. Only the exact data sent by the remote host
will be returned.
put string(XNetRawGet(gMailSock)) into receiverResponse
XNetRawSend integer cookie, string theText
This command allows you to send a string to the remote host connected through the connection
identified by the cookie argument. The string can contain any data up to 1024 bytes. Only the exact
data stored in the string is sent to the remote host.
put XNetRawSend(mailSocket, rawData) into XNetRawSendResult
XtraNet's CallBack Mechanism
The Callback Parameter
Several of XtraNet's commands allow specification of a custom handler to be called back when the operation
specified by that command has been completed.
The callback is used to allow XtraNet to send messages back to your application regarding the state of network
operations. It is used by the HTTP and FTP classes (which are created when you call XNetGetFile/
XNetGetGlobal or XNetPutFile/ XNetPutGlobal), and by the XtraNet Server class (created with
You can specify any Movie Script level handler for the callback.
Warning: Do not try to use any XtraNet commands or functions inside a callback handler. This is not
supported and will generate an XtraNet error result. The only exception to this is the XNetError function
which can be used at any time. If you need to make a call to an XtraNet command or function based on
callback data that has been received, you should set "flags" using global variables and then process those flags
in frame scripts.
Creating a Callback Handler
XtraNet operates asynchronously by sending messages into Director to execute a special handler which you
identify when initiating an asynchronous operation. This is simply a Movie Script level will enable constant
processing of incoming connection information.
You can create as many different callback handlers as you may need in your project. Every asynchronous
operation can have a different callback handler or they can all share the same handler. Your application's
functionality will be determine the strategy you will want to apply.
Every callback handler is passed a data structure which identifies the status of the network operation. In order
to access this data, your callback handler must specify an argument in which Director can hold the callback
handler data. Here's an example:
on myCallbackHandler callBackData
-- your code here
end myCallbackHandler
When you are specifying the callback handler with the XNetServerStart command, keep in mind that most
subsequent server operations will be processed through this callback handler.
Structure of Callback Handler Data
Your callback handlers will receive a data variable as and argument from XtraNet that has the following
cookie the unique identifier returned when the network operation was started
major code the type of operation (HTTP, FTP, etc.)
minor code the message (SUCCESS, ERROR, NEW_PLAYER, etc.)
error the last error code received
optional different messages can contain other, additional data
http code special response data from HTTP servers
The message is sent to the callback handler as a property list. As mentioned above, there are five things that are
always put into the list:
The unique identifier for the network operation (which we've been calling a cookie). The property is #cookie,
the value is the id number returned from GetURL, PutFile/PutGlobal, or XNetServStart.
Major Code
A number indicating the type of operation. This is referred to as the major code. The property is #major, the
possible values are:
0 (HTTP)
1 (FTP)
2 (Server)
Other codes may be added later as new protocols are added.
Minor Code
A number indicating the type of message being sent. This is referred to as the minor code. The property is
#minor, the possible values are:
For HTTP/FTP, the order of messages is like this:
XNET_STARTED - download/upload started successfully
XNET_SUCCESS/XNET_ERROR - either we finished successfully, or we got an error
XNET_DESTROYED - the instance was deleted, socket freed, etc.
If the user cancels the operation, the order will go like this:
XNET_STARTED - download/upload started successfully
XNET_CANCEL - this operation was cancelled by calling XNetClose
XNET_DESTROYED - the instance was deleted, socket freed, etc.
For HTTP or FTP, you're mainly interested in looking for XNET_SUCCESS and XNET_ERROR. If you're
using the server class, you're probably interested in a few more messages. Check out the Tic-Tac-Toe server
source code to see how it handles messages like XNET_TEXT_MSG, XNET_NEW_PLAYER, etc.
Optional Error Code
The most recent error code. The property is #error, the possible values are the error codes listed here:
http://www.humancode.com/xtranet/errors.html . The value will always be 0, unless you get an
XNET_ERROR message. Alert readers may wonder why we bother to include it if it's always zero. I have no
good answer to that question.
The property is #httpcode, the possible values are
200 = success
204 = success but no data
other value = HTTP result code
HTTP servers can generate an error and still return actual data due to redirection and other forms of server-side
error handling. Therefore you cannot rely on examining the text returned from an HTTP server to determine
if the URL specified was appropriately retrieved. Instead, you should examine the #httpcode property to see
if any value other than 200 was returned. If a different value is returned, you can analyze it to decide what to
do next.
Callback Data Debugging
We recommend that you use Director's internal debugger and set a breakpoint inside your callback handler to
better observe the data structure passed in by XtraNet. You may also wish to use the variable watcher
Another technique you can use is to specify the Lingo command "put" in place of a callback handler name.
This will cause the callback list to be passed as an argument to the put command and correspondingly dumped
into the Message window as the data arrives. This is mostly useful to help get familiar with the structure and
contents of the callback data variable.
Note that the Client, Peer and Raw classes don't use a callback - instead, you just call the appropriate "Get"
command to check for data, and you either get a string back (if something's waiting), or you get an empty
string. It's a simpler programming model for complicated games (where having one catch-all handler doesn't
always work so well). It also has less overhead, and you get more control over how often you check for
messages (since the Client, Peer and Raw don't use XNetIdle to do any idle time processing). This makes it
more suited towards multi-player games.
Optimizing XtraNet Performance
There are many methods that can be used to optimize the performance of your XtraNet applications. Writing
more efficient code, reducing memory management overhead, using more efficient media assets are all
examples of ways to optimize. This chapter focuses on some of the more important techniques.
Controlling Idle Time
One of the most important optimization techniques is to focus on how the computer's noticeable "idle" time is
spent. Idle time is simply the computer processing time which has not been previous allocated to other tasks.
This is time which you can arbitrarily use to instruct the computer to focus on specifically identified tasks.
Normally, Director uses idle time to send "idle" event messages to an executing Director movie. The movie in
turn will process these event messages in a special handler called "on idle."
The on idle handler is often used to process code which needs to operate rapidly and continuously throughout a
project. For example, the cursor position is often tracking during the on idle handler.
Many XtraNet operations are performed as asynchronous operations. These are operations which are started
by XtraNet and sent to another computer. While the remote computer is busy processing the requested
operation, XtraNet returns control back to Director so that other local operations can continue.
At some point, XtraNet needs to check the status of the asynchronous operation it started to see whether it is
complete and what the result is. To do this, XtraNet provides a special command called XNetIdle which
provides CPU time to XtraNet to specifically check the status of all of the existing asychronous operations.
Although you can execute the XNetIdle command at any time, one of the best times to do this is when you
know that there is available CPU time to spend performing this status checking task. As a result, many
developers will choose to call the XNetIdle command from inside the on idle handler.
on idle
end idle
Certain features in Director influence how frequently the idle event message is sent to a movie by Director and
overall how much idle time is made available. Below you will find suggestions as to how these Director
features can be used to provide better performance to XtraNet.
Using Director's Idle Time Properties
Director has a number of Lingo properties related to how idle time is processed which can impact XtraNet's
performance. Specifically, the properties are:
the frameTempo
the cpuHogTicks
the idleHandlerPeriod
the idleLoadMode
the idleLoadPeriod
the idleReadChunkSize
Let's review each property and discuss how they can be used in conjunction with XtraNet to gain maximum
the frameTempo -or- Tempo Channel
The frameTempo property determines the frames per second that Director will attempt to limit the movement of
the playback to match. This Lingo property is the same as the setting in the Tempo channel of Director's
Score interface.
The higher the frames per second setting, the fewer idle event messages that are sent to a movie by Director.
This is because Director is attempting to execute the enterFrame handler, image the frame and then execute the
exitFrame handler more and more frequuently as the tempo setting is increased. The more time Director
spends doing this, the less time is available for sending idle event messages to the movie.
So, to maximize the amount of idle messages and idle time that is available while looping on a frame or running
the playback head through a series of frame, you should set the Tempo channel or the frameTempo property to
a value of 1.
the cpuHogTicks
Set this property to 0 to give background OS tasks more CPU allocation. The default value is 20.
Set this property to a higher value to shutdown OS tasks.
This property only applies to Macintosh and Windows 16-bit. Windows 32-bit uses threads and this property
only affects the performance of the thread running Director and XtraNet.
the idleHandlerPeriod
To generate the maximum potential number of idle event messages, set this property to a value of 0 (the
default). To force more CPU time to be spent performing other operations and to generate the fewest idle
event messages, set this property to a value of the maxInteger (2147483647).
the idleLoadMode
To maximize the amount of idle time that can be spend processing the XNetIdle command, set this property to
a value of 0. To create more balance between data loading and XNetIdle command execution, set this
property to a value of 1, 2 or 3 (the default.)
the idleLoadPeriod
If the idleLoadMode property is set to 0, you do not need to set this property. Otherwise, set this property to
a higher value (up to the maxInteger) to force more time to be made available for XNetIdle command execution
and less time for idle time data loading.
the idleReadChunkSize
Set this property to a lower number to create more granularity between XNetIdle command execution and idle
time data loading. The smaller the data chunk size, the more interruptable the data loading process is. The
default chunk size is 32K. You probably don't want to make the chunk size much smaller than 512 or 1,204
Sustaining Connections
Normally, when you are using a web browser to access a HTTP server, a connection is opened for each data
element being retrieved from the server to deliver a complete HTML document. If the data contained
embedded references to images, for example, each image is delivered by first opening a separate connection to
the server, having the server feed the data stream for the image, and then having that connection closed.
Opening and closing server connections takes noticeably CPU time. If you are creating an XtraNet
application which needs to repeated send or receive data from a remote server, you will find that you can get
better performance by keeping the connection open on a sustained basis and reusing that connection for future
network operations.
Normally, XtraNet will leave a connection open causing a typical XtraNet application to look like this:
XNetGet or XNetSend
XNetGet or XNetSend
XNetGet or XNetSend
XNetGet or XNetSend
The main reason to take the alternative approach of closing the connection immediately after moving the data
through is if you want to avoid using too many connections. The Macintosh and Windows operating systems
have limits as to how many connections you can have active simultaneously. XtraNet itself is limited to 64
connections which is the same as the Macintosh OS limit.
If you take this approach to managing your network operations, your code might look like this:
XNetGet or XNetSend
XNetGet or XNetSend
XNetGet or XNetSend
XtraNet was created by Human Code, Inc. of Austin, Texas, USA and is exclusively published by g/matter, inc.
of San Francisco, California, USA.
Human Code, Inc.
XtraNet Contributors
Concept Design
Chipp Walters
Programming and Implementation
Brian Sharon
Prototype Programming
Scott Thompson
Thanks to Human Coders:
Chris Bohnert
Mary Flanagan
Gary Gattis
Carl Shephard
Cindy Taylor
Masayoshi Umeuchi
Lloyd Walker
Special Thanks
Macintosh socket library based on GUSI (C)1992-1996, Matthias Neeracher,
Tim Jones
Rick Ligas
for their inspiration and encouragement early on.
Get the most recent information about Human Code, Inc. at their website:
g/matter, inc.
g/matter, inc. is the leading publisher of information and tools for mastering multimedia. Established in 1992,
we have been responsible for the development of over 70 CD-ROM titles. Since 1994 we have been creating
a large number of add-on products for Macromedia software, including:
XtraNet Contributors
Examples and Documentation
Terry R. Schussler
Packaging and Art
David Gartner
Thanks to g/matterians:
Lisa Carroll
Nick Cavander
Skip Knierim
David Kraus
Seth Luersen
Mary Lowry
Chris Mikkelsen
Karyn Scott
Stacey Scott
Go to our website for the latest information on all of our multimedia products:
Other g/matter Products
PrintOMatic Xtra
PrintOMatic is the premier printing tool for Director. The PrintOMatic Xtra adds a full set of page-layout, text
and graphics printing features to Macromedia Director projects on Macintosh and Windows. PrintOMatic
includes commands for drawing styled text, graphic primitives, bitmapped pictures, and snapshots of the
Director stage, all under Lingo control
PopMenu Xtra
PopMenu Xtra adds tools for enhancing your Macromedia Director user interfaces, including pop-up and
multi-level heirarchical menus.
Sound Xtra
Sound Xtra adds powerful new sound recording and playback control to your Macromedia Director
productions.With Sound Xtra, you can control the use of sound using features which are not available in Lingo
or with other Xobjects.
KILLER Transitions
Killer Transitions contains special effects which can be used in your Macromedia Director 5.x and Authorware
3.5 productions to add new visual transitions to your display. Each of the Killer Transitions effects has many
powerful settings which can be used to alter the effect to create literally thousands of transition results.
Trans-X Xtra
Trans-X Xtra lets you create your own transition effects by creating animated 1-bit masks and then applying
those as a transition. Trans-X ships with over 100 pre-rendered masks to get you started!
Director ToolBox Pro
Director ToolBox Pro contains a powerful suite of development aids for users of Macromedia Director,
including cast, score sprite and Lingo analysis, debugging, formatting and management tools which make it
easier and faster to produce complete, solid results.
The MediaBook CD for Director
The MediaBook CD for Director is the definitive collection of information and tools for users of Macromedia
Director 3, 4 and 5. Learn everything about the Lingo programming language! The MediaBook CD helps you
leverage your investment and enrich your use of Director. Professional and novice multimedia producers will
save time and money by using the royalty free programming, numerous XObjects for Macintosh and Windows
and reuseable, professionally written Lingo provided in The MediaBook CD.
g/matter, inc. also teaches a series of very advanced multimedia development seminars focused on Director,
Media Production and Internet development all over the world. Contact us for information on the next
seminar near you!
Go to our website for the latest information on all of our multimedia products:
How To Contact Us
If you have technical support questions about using XtraNet, please contact us at:
Email: support@gmatter.com
Fax: +1-415-243-0396
Web: http://www.gmatter.com
If you have suggestions for future features or other products please send email to g/matter, inc at:
or send us a facsimile at: +1.415.243.0396
Copyright Notices
Programming ゥ 1995-1997 Human Code, Inc. All rights reserved.
Documentation and sample movies ゥ 1995-1997 g/matter, inc. All rights reserved.
XtraNet is a registered trademark of Human Code, Inc. under exclusive license to g/matter, inc.
g/matter, MediaBook and The MediaBook CD are registered trademarks and PopMenu Xtra, PrintOMatic
Xtra, Sound Xtra, Director ToolBox Pro are trademarks of g/matter, inc. KILLER Transitions is a registered
trademark of SharkByte Tools, Inc. SharkByte is a registered trademark of Terry Ranson. Macromedia,
Authorware and Director are registered trademarks and Shockwave is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc.
Other product names mentioned within this documentation may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
other companies.
Appendix A - Error Messages and Codes
This is a list of result (error) code values, along with their definitions. You can use the XNetError function to
convert an error code value into a human-readable string for a given error.
Code Error String Error Description
0 "Success" Congratulations. Whatever you were trying to do,
you did it right.
-1 "DNS lookup failure" DNS (Domain Name Service) failure. We were
unable to convert a host name (like
www.humancode.com) into an address (like This can indicate many things: a
misspelled address, a broken network connection, or
the DNS at your service provider may actually be
down (the last one happens to me more than I'd like!).
-2 "Failure to create socket" We were unable to allocate a network connection.
The usual cause of this error is being out of memory.
Try increasing your Director, runtime projector or
internet browser memory partition if you're using a
-3 "This socket is not connected" Something tried to send or receive data over a
connection that was already closed. Note that the
other end can close the connection without notifying
-4 "Error connecting to remote host" A common error, with many possible causes. Your
network connection can be down. And at the remote
end, the computer might be off, not connected to the
network, or not listening for connections. The best
interpretation of this message is "the remote host is
not responding".
-5 "Error closing socket" An informational error, that there was some problem
closing a connection. If there was some data waiting
to be delivered, it probably didn't make it. But once
the close call has been made there's not much you can
do, so you might as well ignore this one.
-6 "Error setting socket options" An error occurred whiling changing socket attributes.
Can (theoretically) arise in the connection process.
Never seen this one actually happen, don't know what
could cause it, but if you get this error, the connection
is toast.
-7 "Error binding socket to given port value" You asked a server, peer or client to start listening on
a specific port, and the system was unable to grant
that request. The best way to get that error would be
to try to listen on a port that another program is
already listening on. If you're running a web server,
and then you try to start an XtraNet server listening
on port 80, you'll get an error because the web server
bound to port 80 before you did.
Code Error String Error Description
-8 "Socket unable to listen" We tried to listen for connections on a specified port,
but failed. If you get this error, it'll probably be for the
same reason that you would get a "socket creation
failure" error: out of memory.
-9 "The remote end has closed the connection" You tried to do something with the connection, but
the other end had closed it down (which they're
perfectly entitled to do). Note that if the remote end
loses their network connection unexpectedly (like if
their modem drops the signal), they won't have a
chance to properly close the connection, and you
won't receive a remote close message. You have to
decide when a person is disconnected based on
inactivity. Just wanted to emphasize that.
-10 "Error reading from network" You can get this error when reading from a network
-11 "Error writing to network" Like a read error, you can get this error when writing
to a socket (just about any XtraNet command).
-12 "Bad argument passed to function" Right now, that means that you passed in a string that
couldn't be converted to a global variable name.
-13 "Invalid URL passed to function" Double-check your spelling. Make sure the path
you're referencing really exists. Make sure (for FTP)
that you have permission to read or write the specified
URL. Note that XtraNet will accept the syntax
ftp://user:pass@host for non-anonymous FTP.
-14 "Error opening file" Couldn't open the file on your hard disk that you're
trying to FTP out of or into. Causes: misspelling, not
specifying a full path, no permission to
read/create/overwrite the specified file.
-15 "The socket is already connected" You tried to connect somewhere, when that peer
object was already connected to another machine.
The current connection is preserved. To close a
connection and open another, call XNetCancel()
before calling XNetPeerConnect().
-16 "Cannot perform requested operation with given protocol"
An attempt to use an unsupported protocol occurred.
Returned if you try to use XNetPutFile or
XNetPutGlobal with an http URL (since HTTP 1.0
doesn't support uploading, only downloading), or if
you specify an unrecognized URL (like mailto: or
gopher:). Check your spelling!
Code Error String Error Description
-17 "Out of memory" Pretty self-explanatory. XtraNet allocates some
memory (about 1K) dynamically for each connection
you create. If you're starting a bunch of HTTP
downloads at the same time, try to control how many
connections you open at once.
-18 "Network initialization failed" Returned by XNetInit() if it fail. You can't do
anything else with XtraNet if this call fails. Many
possible causes - the network can break in many
places, as all Internet users know! Check modem
cables, network cables, network software settings.
-19 "There is no job with that identifier" You passed in an invalid identifier when referencing a
connection. This code snippet would return this error
to you really quick:
set cookie = XtraNetGetURL("http://www.humancode.com", "gNetText", "callback")
set cookie = cookie + 1
set err = XtraNetCancel(cookie)
Guard those cookie values with your life!
-20 "Name already taken" Obsolete.
-21 "The server is full" You tried to connect to an XtraNet server, but they
had no room for you. Don't take it personally.
-22 "The requested operation cannot be perfomed on this connection"
Job type mismatch. You passed in a valid identifier for
some connection, but it doesn't match up with the
function you're calling. A code snippet:
-- get a cookie for an HTTP download
set cookie = XtraNetGetURL("http://www.humancode.com", "gNetText", "callback")
-- then pass that cookie to a peer function
set err = XtraNetHCPPeerSendLine(cookie)
Important note for Windows 3.1 developers: you
won't get this error - you'll crash instead! The reason
is due to the nature of C++ and the limitations of
Visual C++ for Windows 3.1.
-23 "Command failed" Obsolete.
-24 "Connection refused" You tried to connect to a host, but the host wasn't
listening at the port you wanted.
-25 "Insufficient permission for requested operation"
Your HTTP or FTP request required authentication
and the server responded by informing you that you
did not have the correct permission.
Code Error String Error Description
-26 "Server error" You should not see this error. If you do, please
report it to XTRANET@GMATTER.COM. Thank
-27 "There is no user with that name" You tried to use XNetServerSend to send a message
to a specific user, but that user doesn't exist.
-28 "XtraNet has not been initialized" XtraNet not initialized. Returned if you try to start a
connection without having called XtraNetInit
-29 "Timeout waiting for response" We were waiting for a response from an FTP or
HTTP server, but it didn't arrive within the given time.
You can use various XtraNet commands to get and
set the default timeout, and to get and set timeouts on
a individual connection basis.
-30 "Error reading from file" You can get this error when reading from a local file
via the XtraNetPutFile command. You were able to
open the file but unable to read from it. Some sort
of disk error occurred when you tried.
-31 "Error writing to file" You can get this error both when writing to a remote
file via the XtraNetGetFile command. The disk is
probably full or you encountered some sort of disk
-32 "Unable to call XtraNet method from an XtraNet callback handler"
You are making calls to XtraNet functions or
commands from within a handler which has been
specified as a callback handler. This limitation
prevents inadvertent recursion and data corruption.
You can however call the XNetError function from
within the callback handler.
-33 "Message too long (1 kb max)" You tried to send a text variable which is larger than
1K (1,024 bytes) in length/size.
-34 "Director internal error" You should not see this error. If you do, please
report it to XTRANET@GMATTER.COM. Thank
-35 "File i/o unavailable in Shockwave" You have attempted to use an XtraNet Get command
while specifying a filename which is either not ISO
9660 compliant or has a filename extension which is
not allowed. See the Shockwave Security Issues
section of the documentation for a list of disallowed
-36 "Shockwave security error - invalid file type" You attempted to use the Get or Put commands while
in Shockwave in a manner which is not supported by
XtraNet. See the Appendix titled "XtraNet Security
in Shockwave" for more details.
Code Error String Error Description
-37 "Feature not available in unregistered XtraNet" You attempted to use the SetConnectionMsg and
SetConnectionLoc commands without registering
XtraNet using the XNetInit command. These
features are disabled until XtraNet is registered.
-38 "Invalid FTP user name" You attempted to access an FTP server using a
username which is not known by the server.
-39 "Invalid FTP password" You attempted to access an FTP server using a
password which is incorrect.
-40 "Invalid FTP directory" You attempted to access an FTP server directory
which either doesn't exist or you do not have
permission to access.
-41 "Invalid FTP filename" You attempted to access an FTP server file which
either doesn't exist or you do not have permission to
-42 "Unknown error" Some generic XtraNet error has occurred.
Appendix B - Memory Overhead Chart
XtraNet consumes a small amount of additional memory. This table gives you a rough idea of how much
based on the user's playback system. You can use the freeBytes property in Lingo to further analyze memory
consumption over time.
Macintosh 68K
Base XtraNet Memory Usage: About 200K
Per Connection Memory Usage: About 2K
Macintosh PPC
Base XtraNet Memory Usage: About 86K
Per Connection Memory Usage: About 2K
Note that all of the code can be swapped out of memory when virtual memory is enabled.
Windows 16-bit
Base XtraNet Memory Usage: About 97K
Per Connection Memory Usage: About 2K
Windows 32-bit
Base XtraNet Memory Usage: About 180K
Per Connection Memory Usage: About 2K
Appendix C - Shockwave Security Issues
XtraNet has some security limits which are active only when executing XtraNet through a Shockwave movie.
This limits are designed to prevent accidental or malicious use while leaving developers free to flexibly create
exciting applications. Here's an overview of the security minded limitations in XtraNet:
ISO Compliant Filenames
XtraNet limits you to use of ISO 9660 (8.3) compatible filenames when using the Get commands. This means
you cannot use other than alphanumeric characters in your filename references.
Invalid Filename Extensions
XtraNet will refuse to accept filenames with certain extensions when using the Get commands. This prevents
the accidental overwriting of system files and other critical files which involve the proper operation of the
computer. The extensions which are not allowed are:
Appendix D - FTP Connection Process in XtraNet
This is an overview of the process that XtraNet uses which performing an FTP network operation.
1) Check for XtraNet initialization.
Can return "Network not initialized"
2) Read the arguments passed to the XtraNet command.
Can return "Director error" if there is something wrong with the arguments.
3) Parse the URL.
Can return "Bad url"
XtraNet now matches the URL data to the protocol request.
4) Create the connection object.
Can return "Out of memory" but memory would have to be really low.
5) Open the network connection.
Can return "DNS fail" or "Connect fail"
6) Login to the server
Can return "Bad user", "Bad password", or "Server error"
"bad user" if both are bad.
"server error" is variable as to cause
7) Switch to binary mode.
Can return "Server error"
8) Change to the directory specified in the URL
Can return "Bad directory" or "Server error"
This can occur because an attempt to change the directory on the server was to an out of bounds place
(missing permission, doesn't exist)
9) Start another socket to receive the data on
Can return "Socket create fail"
The socket is a randomly selected free one.
10) Tell the FTP server which socket to connect to on our end
Can return "Server error" because the server can't connect to socket.
11) Send the put or get command
Can return "Bad file" or "Server error"
12) If we make it past all of these steps, then we return "success" and a valid cookie
Appendix E - Additional References and Resources
WWW Resources
Download the latest version of XtraNet, its documentation and examples at:
View on-line examples of XtraNet in action using Shockwave at:
WWW References
You can read more information about Cookies at:
You can read more information about TELNET (RFC 854) at:
If you're interested in learning how to implement attachments in a mail application using Xtranet, you will want
to read the MIME specification (RFC 1521). The specification can be found at:
Book References
"Internet Protocols Handbook"
by Dave Roberts
Published by Coriolis Group Books
ISBN 1-883577-88-8
Covers a ton of protocols, including SMTP, POP3, GOPHER, NNTP and TELNET and it has a CD-ROM
with all of the current status data on each protocol.
Appendix F - URL Encoding
Example #1
-- Functions to encode illegal characters in a URL as per RFC 1738
-- See http://www.graphcomp.com/info/rfc/rfc1738.html for details
-- Author: Brian Sharon, brians@humancode.com
on encodeURL url
set badList = [" ", "<", ">", QUOTE, "{", "}", "|", "・", "^", "[",
"]", "'"]
set newURL = ""
repeat with i = 1 to the number of chars in url
set tChar = char i of url
set tNum = charToNum(tChar)
if getOne(badList, tChar) or tNum < 32 or tNum = 127 then
-- this is an unsafe character, and has
-- to be encoded. Encoding is a percent sign followed by
-- the number in hex
set tChar = "%" & numToHex(tNum)
end if
set newURL = newURL & tChar
end repeat
return newURL
end encodeURL
on numToHex num
-- assumes number is between 0 and 255
set num1 = num/16
set num2 = num - num1*16
case num1 of
10: set num1 = "A"
11: set num1 = "B"
12: set num1 = "C"
13: set num1 = "D"
14: set num1 = "E"
15: set num1 = "F"
set num1 = string(num1)
end case
case num2 of
10: set num2 = "A"
11: set num2 = "B"
12: set num2 = "C"
13: set num2 = "D"
14: set num2 = "E"
15: set num2 = "F"
set num2 = string(num2)
end case
return num1 & num2
end numToHex
And here's some examples of the code in use:
put encodeurl("http://www.humancode.com")
-- "http://www.humancode.com"
put encodeurl("http://www.humancode.com/directory with spaces/[index.html]")
-- "http://www.humancode.com/directory%20with%20spaces/%5Bindex.html%5D"
Example #2
on encodeURL oldString
--| This encodes the passed text to a format that is good for the
--| location line in any Browser
--| First written: 96-12-09 Patrik Oskarsson <patrik.oskarsson@shine.se>
if length( oldString ) < 1 then exit -- Exit if the string is empty
set newString = ""
repeat with foo = 1 to length( oldString )
set currChar to char foo of oldString
case currChar of
TAB : set currChar = "%09"
"~" : set currChar = "%7E"
">" : set currChar = "%3E"
"・" : set currChar = "%5C"
"^" : set currChar = "%5E"
"{" : set currChar = "%7B"
"}" : set currChar = "%7D"
"<" : set currChar = "%3C"
"[" : set currChar = "%5B"
"]" : set currChar = "%5D"
"`" : set currChar = "%60"
"|" : set currChar = "%7C"
" " : set currChar = "+"
"/" : set currChar = "%2F"
"#" : set currChar = "%23"
"?" : set currChar = "%3f"
"%" : set currChar = "%25"
end case
set newString = newString & currChar
end repeat
return newString
end encodeURL
XtraNet Documentation g/matter, inc. Version 1.02
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